* Friends

In his 2013 book “Give And Take,” Adam Grant discusses how he experimented with implementing “Reciprocity Rings” with his students at Wharton, whereby each student would make a meaningful request (professional or personal, ranging from job leads to travel tips) and the rest of the class would use their knowledge, resources, and connections to try to fulfill the request. The experiment was successful and resulted in both givers and takers being helpful to others in the reciprocity ring. There are ten suggested “Actions For Impact” in “Give And Take” (read the book). We are sure that other giving groups and like-minded organizations have resulted from (or related to) Grant’s excellent book, and we will try to list them here as we become aware of them.

Community Of Givers

* The Dragonfly Effect (Lafayette, California)
Using social media for impact.

* Give and Take, Inc. (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Givitas is software that helps teams collaborate and share knowledge in a unique way that is designed to encourage generosity, transform culture, and create direct, bottom-line business impact.

* Meetings & Incentives (Caledonia, Wisconsin)
Project Global Give Back 50 Years 50 Charities.

* Spark Series (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Spark Series is an invitation-only community of individuals who embrace a “pay-it-forward” mentality.

* Thrive Global (New York, New York)
Thrive Global’s mission is to end the stress and burnout epidemic by offering companies and individuals sustainable, science-based solutions to enhance well-being, performance, and purpose, and create a healthier relationship with technology.

* Treehouse (Acton, Massachusetts)
TreehouseTM is a network of givers that empowers and inspires its members to take meaningful action via a series of small, invitation-only, nontraditional events.

* University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Center For Positive Organizations.

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